El sistema LCPD BOX se completa con una sonda de muestreo y un filtro calentado para eliminar partículas.

La sonda se puede utilizar tanto con analizadores que funcionan en “caliente” como en “frío” como el MIR 9000, MIR 9000e, MIR IS…. Agregar un enfriador para la deshumidificación de la muestra.

The LCPD BOX sampling system uses the Hot Wet Extractive (Wet Basis Analysis).

  • Stainless steel probe tube with optional reusable primary filter
  • Corrosion resistant enclosure
  • Temperature regulated heated block, containing zero-air / span gas connection & heated line connectors
  • Check valve eliminates dead volume
  • Large volume, quick-pulse blow-back
  • Heated filter prevents condensation
Hot Wet Extractive (Wet Basis Analysis)
The gas sample is extracted and transferred through heated sampling lines. It is heated above 180°C in order to avoid acid dew points for the analysis process. Upon arrival to the analyzer, the sample is hot and wet.